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shenzhen hanko tech Co.,LTD

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fourth-generation high power ir camera
fourth-generation high power ir camera
Specification: HV-IR56
Detail: Fourth-generation High power IR camera SONY CCD Optional 1 piece High power LED Array Providing 420TVL,480TVL,540TVL-definition option Infrared radiation from 80 meters standard match 25mm IR lens (optional) Model HV...

standard box camera
standard box camera
Specification: HV-G140
Detail: 1/3''Sony CCD Providing 420TVL,480TVL,540TVL resolution options AES electronic shutter / DC auto-iris function BLC Backlight compensation, AGC Automatic Gain Control

watec box standard camera
watec box standard camera
Specification: HV-G1902BHEX
Detail: WATEC Box Standard Camera 1/3''Sony B/W CCD Providing 600TVL resolution AES electronic shutter / DC auto-iris function BLC Backlight compensation, AGC Automatic Gain Control
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